This small business curriculum was developed by assembling an experienced team – all members are involved in microenterprise training through various groups. The goal of this course is to explore the ability to achieve self-sufficiency through self-employment. This 15 session course can be taught in a variety of configurations to achieve the objectives of the training organization – This is the digital version.
An eBook Reader is required to read an eBook on your computer!
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Calibre eBook Reader =
IceCream eBook Reader =
The youth entrepreneurial materials were conceived, designed, and written with enterprising youth in mind. The text was designed to complement classwork and serve as a reference book as young entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. This 11 chapter curriculum can be presented in a variety of configurations including, 13 modules or traditional classroom, after school, and camp settings. PDF Digital File.
NxLeveL for Business Start-ups, a 10 session, 30 hour course, addresses those questions every entrepreneur needs to answer before starting a business venture. Participants develop a start-up business plan during the course to test the feasibility of their business concept and to act as the blueprint for their start-up venture. Guide & Workbook – This is the digital version.
An eBook Reader is required to read an eBook on your computer!
Here are links to two highly regarded eBook readers that can be installed on your computer for free.
Calibre eBook Reader =
IceCream eBook Reader =
Money Matters: NxLeveL Guide to Money Management is a one-session, four hour class designed to aid entrepreneurs in solvent financial decision making. This class focuses on practical solutions to money management, as student develop a NxLeveL Action Plan thatwill guide them in transforming their companies by setting financial goals and addressing credit challenges. PDF Digital File.